Customer Testimonials

You can read about our customers' experiences here so that you decide if you would choose to discuss your kitchen makeover with us

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5 based on 6 reviews

24 thoughts on “Testimonials

  1. George and Steve have just finished our kitchen makeover, so very pleased with the result. Better still, George kept to our agreed timings and always kept us fully informed. Extremely clean workers and excellent finish. I would definitely recommend the company.

  2. Excellent service. George was super good and we are very happy with the kitchen.
    Would highly recommend this company. Thank- you!

  3. Very pleased with the kitchen makeover work George and Steve have just finished, both guys were very hard working and clean before they finished every day our kitchen was spotless also they used my garage to cut the doors etc it’s never been so clean. I would not hesitate to recommend this company. Thanks again

  4. I had my new kitchen installed 2 yrs ago.. I told George what I wanted and he converted my thoughts into reality. Not the cheapest and took a little longer than anticipated but definitely worth the wait. The workmanship and attention to detail spectacular and although I have had an issue 2 years later and needed a door replacing, George came without hesitation and replaced the door at no cost to myself.
    I would have no hesitation to recommend the makeover shop, the buissness or George and his assistant

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